Baja Ha Ha 2006
San Diego to Cabo San Lucas

October 30th to November 11th 2006

Fun on the Baja Ha Ha Video

Kip, Denise, Paul & Nora
The Baja Ha Ha starts off with a great Halloween kick off party where we get a chance to meet the fleet and enjoy good food and wine.
The kick off party

Our crew

With the crew ready to leave we set out with the Baja Ha Ha group bound for Turtle Bay. Over 160 boats were all lined up at the starting line just outside the San Diego Bay As all the boats got ready to hoist their Spinnaker sails to cross the line ours was the second one up.

Our first stop was Turtle Bay located 363 miles from San Diego about half way to Cabo. It took us 61 hrs 14 minutes. We sailed the whole way except for 1 1/2 hours of motoring. Turtle Bay is quite the little Mexican fishing village, the people there are very anxious to receive the Baja fleet as we bring in a lot of business for the local restaurants and stores. There's a pier where the kids help you out of your dingy and keep watch for pesos. There is also very well stocked grocery store with internet access in town.

Ponga taxi

Turtle Bay party

Beautiful Turtle Bay sunset

Bahia Santa Maria was the next stop.This was our favorite anchorage. Not much on the beach, some small fisherman's huts. Of course there's another party. Some of the locals put together a seafood feast which they truck a long ways. They also bring plenty of cold beer.
Bahia Santa Maria Achorage

Small fishing village along the mangroves

We took a digny ride into the mangrove estuary at high tide it's flooded which allows the pangas and us gringos to enter and explore. At low tide it drains out almost completely and you can walk in and across the river. We beached the dingy and hiked to the white sandy beach which is on the Pacific side.

White sandy beach

Fishing village and panga  along the mangrove Entrance to the mangroves

The end of the race finished in Cabo San Lucas where everyone is presented with a prise at the last party held on Saturday evening. A lot of the fleet will continue on to various destinations. We sailled a total 144 hours, 775 miles to the finish line.
The crew made it

The best part of the trip to Cabo San Lucas aside from the beautiful bays we
saw was catching al lot fish along the way. At one point Kip was tired of
cleaning the fish so Paul promised to clean the next one if he got to throw
the line back out. Well the next fish caught was a wopper 50 lb plus wahoo
tuna. It kept Paul busy for several hours.

Our first dorado

My first fish 50 lb wahoo tuna

Check out Bahia Santa Maria & San Diego to Cabo San Lucas for more photos